Hearing Impaired

Hearing Impaired

 Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services offered through Itinerant Services:

  • Orientation and information about deafness and hearing loss; impact of hearing loss on academic instruction and progress.

  • Academic teaching and pre-teaching for students with hearing loss.

  • Advocate for students with hearing loss.

  • Assistance with FM systems for classrooms: research, consult, assemble for use (not wired-in systems), assist teachers to optimize use of FM systems.

  • Self-advocacy training for students with hearing loss. Hearing aid and FM system orientation for students.

  • Consultation with teachers for best learning strategies for students with hearing loss. Collaboration with teachers who have these students in their classrooms.

  • Consultation about accommodations and classroom modifications for students with hearing loss.

  • Resources about sign language, including teaching.

  • Print materials on deafness and hearing loss.

For more information on Itinerant Services contact:

Kimberlea Curran
Supervisor of Itinerant Services
607-286-7715 ext. 2608

Jolene Thompson
Keyboard Specialist for Itinerant Services
607-286-7715 ext. 2701


Important Forms (inc. Evaluation Requests)