Visual Arts Communication & Technology

Instructor: Lindy Lapin
Program Length:
2 Year Program
2½ * CTE Credits Per Year
Total of 3½ * Credits issued per year
1 Credit CTE Math for a 2 Year Program
1 Credit CTE Science for a 2 Year Program
Program Description
This program is intended to extend the talents of students interested in art, graphics, and computers. While advanced technology is the foundation of the course, such technology will build on basic art premises such as photography, drawing, sculpting and printing. Students in this program will be able to design a course of study that addresses their interest while ensuring appropriate, comprehensive training in the visual arts. Career applications for Visual Arts Communication & Technology include: Advertising, Animation, Game Design, Desktop Publishing, Video Broadcasting, Web Design and more.
Visual Arts Course Requirements
Units Of Instruction:

Skill Base Necessary For Entrance Into The Program
Recommended - Ninth Grade Reading Level and Basic Algebra
Articulation Agreements (Subject to Change)
Art Institute of Pittsburgh – DFV 120 Video I (3 credits); FND 110 Drawing (3 credits); FND 112 Fundamentals of Design (3 credits); FND
134 Photography (3 credits); G 150 Introduction to Design Applications (3 credits)
Mohawk Valley Community College – 3 credits each for, GD145 Digital Applications 1, GD146 Digital Applications 2 and/or PT127 Creative Photography based on GPA of 85 or higher, letter of recommendation from instructor and awarded by the Dean of the Center for Arts & Humanities.
SUNY Cobleskill - guaranteed admission into either A.S if Communications or B.S. of Communication in Technology, or A.A. in Graphic Design or B.S. in Graphic Design. Will receive credit for GART 112 Intro to Digital Media (3 credits); GART 290 Special Projects (3 credits after portfolio review), ARTS 114 Drawing (3 credits).
Fulton-Montgomery Community College - GA 101 Intro to Graphic Communications (3 credits), GA 124 Quark Xpress (3 credits), GA 125 Adobe Photoshop
Pennsylvania College of Technology - Advanced credit is available when required competencies are met in the program offered by Penn College which is directly related to the students’ high school studies. Student must apply within two academic years following high school graduation. Conditions, procedures, competencies required for advanced placement can be found at Pennsylvania College of Technology website or in the current college catalog Pennsylvania College of Technology website Reviewed every 5 years.
Bryant & Stratton College: - GRAD 100 Introductions to Design (3 hours), GRAD 115 Page Layout (3 hours), INMD 100 Introduction to Interactive Media Design (3hours)