Registration Information

New & Returning Student Registration - (Non-new Visions Programs)

All new and returning students (excluding New Visions applicants) must be registered using this email address: Email ONC BOCES Enroll. Registration must include a signed copy of the CTE-IP-AE application and any additionally required documents depending on the program selection (see table below).

Please NOTE: Batch submissions for multiple students may be performed, but must be done so according to a specific program.  Please DO NOT submit applications for multiple programs at the same time.


  1. CTE-IP-AE Application*

  2. CTE Program Student Questionnaire*

  3. Permanent Transcript*

  4. IEP/504

  5. SSR Form* for Consultant Teacher Services, if applicable

Note: Students should also be registered through the SchoolTool Portal.

Innovative Programs

  1. CTE-IP-AE Application*

  2. Permanent Transcript*

  3. IEP/504*

  4. SSR Form*

  5. FBA/BIP*

  6. Attendance Record*

  7. Discipline Record*

  8. Achievement/IQ Data*

  9. Permanent Health Record*

  10. Most recent Free/Reduced Lunch Form

  11. Intake Process (can ONLY take place after ALL required documents are received)

Crossroads Academy (Alt.Ed.)

  1. CTE-IP-AE Application*

  2. Crossroads Academy Application*

  3. Permanent Transcript*

  4. Attendance Record*

  5. Discipline Record*

  6. IEP/504

  7. SSR Form* for CTS or related services, if applicable

  8. Intake Process (to take place after all required documents are received)

*Required documentation

Note: It is imperative that, when applicable, you indicate IEP or 504 Plan when registering students and provide ONC BOCES with a current copy of the IEP or 504 Plan NO LATER THAN August 15, 2025.  

Registration for all regular CTE students opens February 11, 2025, and ends March 14, 2025.

New Student Registrations (NEW VISIONS PROGRAMS)

Please download either the New Visions Engineering Application (OAOC only) or the New Visions Health Care Professionals Application packets respective to the desired program, attach the student's essay and send to Email Kali Cummings, keyboard specialist to the Director of Student Programs.

Registration for New Visions Health Care Professions begins February 11, 2025, and ends March 7, 2025.

Registration for New Visions Engineering opens February 11, 2025, and ends March 28, 2025.